Friday, January 28, 2022

Assessing River Difficulty for Canoers and Kayakers

Kayaking on the lake, boat alone Free Photo

Kayaking and canoeing are low-impact exercises that can benefit the body in several ways. In addition to improving cardiovascular fitness, these exercises strengthen various muscle groups throughout the back, chest, shoulders, and arms. Individuals who kayak or canoe regularly will also notice improved strength throughout the legs and torso. Considering the low impact nature of the sports, these benefits are accentuated by minimal stress on joints and tissues.

Many people enjoy the calm, tranquil environment provided by rivers and streams. Furthermore, these exercises necessitate exposure to nature and sunlight. Sunlight has been attributed to numerous psychological benefits, including elevated serotonin levels, which boost a person’s overall mood, and melatonin, which helps maintain a healthy sleep cycle.

Before beginners can start enjoying these and other benefits, they must familiarize themselves with the different categories of river difficulty to avoid taking on a waterway beyond their skill level. Developed by American Whitewater, the International Scale of River Difficulty upholds the national standard for difficult ratings. The scale is similar to the system used to grade ski runs. A river’s difficulty rating is based on other rivers in the region, not necessarily a nationwide constant. With this in mind, kayak and canoe enthusiasts should be very cautious when exploring a new river, regardless of the rating.

Similarly, ratings can be outdated due to yearly fluctuations in water levels or can change due to sudden weather events. Furthermore, some rivers have multiple or partial ratings. For example, a river may be rated a Class II with occasional Class IV rapids or may be rated as a Class IV river. In either case, individuals should have the skill to take on a river’s most challenging sections.

A final consideration that must be made when evaluating a river’s difficulty rating involves duration and stamina. For instance, a person may be comfortable with Class IV rivers and rapids while at peak physical condition. However, after several hours of Class III paddling, fatigue can set in, making it more difficult to take on rapids at this level. If for any reason, an individual believes they are not prepared for a specific river, regardless of rating, they should avoid it.

The scale begins at Class I and continues through Class VI. Class I rapids and rivers are fast-moving waterways with minor waves. These rivers feature little to no obstructions, and any challenges individuals face can be scouted from a distance and are easily navigable. Individuals who fall into the water will usually have no issues rescuing themselves.

Class V rivers, by comparison, should only be attempted by highly skilled kayakers and canoers. They consist of powerful rapids and demand precise handling. Swimmers are at considerable risk for injury, and self-rescue can be difficult. Class VI rapids, meanwhile, are generally considered too dangerous for paddling sports. Only world-class athletes should attempt these rapids, and even then, attempts should be made after extensive scouting and under optimal conditions.

It bears repeating that the International Scale of River Difficulty does not represent a perfect science and should be viewed as one of many safety resources utilized when taking on rapids. At its most basic, the scale serves to gauge the danger posed to individual swimmers and the likelihood of a successful rescue should someone fall out of the kayak or canoe.

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Monday, January 10, 2022

MLB No-Hitters and Perfect Games

In the sport of baseball, pitchers can enjoy a variety of achievements that indicate exceptional performances, most notably no-hitters and perfect games.

A Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher can record a no-hitter by completing a regulation game without yielding a hit to the opposing team. A single pitcher must finish all nine innings in order to receive credit for the game, although multiple pitchers can share joint credit if a no-hitter is maintained over the duration of a full game.

As the designation suggests, a no-hitter is only concerned with whether any opposing players reach base by way of a hit. A pitcher can still receive credit for a no-hitter if they walk batters, intentionally or otherwise, or if a batter reaches base via error.

A no-hitter may also be credited to a pitcher regardless of fielder’s choice scenarios. This means that if a defensive player cleanly fields a ball and opts to throw out a runner at second or third base instead of the player running to first base, the pitcher is not charged with giving up a hit. Batters can also reach base in a no-hitter following a wild pitch on strike three or as a result of catcher’s interference.

With these exceptions in mind, it should be noted that it is possible for a team to score runs against a pitcher that throws a no-hitter. In fact, there have been two instances of MLB pitchers receiving credit for both a no-hitter and a loss in the same game.

Ken Johnson threw a nine-inning no-hitter in 1964 as a pitcher for the Houston Colt .45s. It was a clean game for Johnson entering the top of the ninth in a 0-0 tie, but a series of errors and ground outs advanced Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Reds around the bases. Houston failed to score in the bottom of the ninth, resulting in a 1-0 loss and a no-hitter for Johnson, who finished with nine strikeouts and just two walks on the day.

Johnny Vander Meer is the only MLB player to pitch no-hitters in consecutive starts, a feat he achieved in 1938. In 1965, Jim Maloney became the first pitcher in nearly five decades to complete an extra innings no-hitter. He nearly managed the feat twice in one season, having given up a hit in the 11th inning earlier in the year. Nolan Ryan holds the league record with seven career no-hitters.

As one might surmise, a perfect game allows for less leeway compared to a no-hitter. To achieve a perfect game, pitchers cannot allow a single opposing player to reach base by any means. Throughout 218,400 games and 150 years of play, MLB pitchers have combined for just 23 perfect games, with no pitcher achieving the feat more than once. Don Larsen is the only pitcher to throw a perfect game in the postseason, which he achieved in Game 5 of the 1956 World Series between the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Yankees.

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